Combine harvesting
See who offer combine harvesting near you.
What is the price for combine harvesting?
The price for combine harvesting depends on a large number of factors. The primary is the total size of the task, the location, the size of the individual field, the type and age of the combine harvester, the crop type, whether with or without belts / 4WD, whether the straw is to be cut and whether the loading is to be done in a truck / container or in a grain trailer. Weather and water percentage can of course also play a factor as it influences the forward speed and thus also how many hectares can be harvested per hour. Payment per hectare is by far the most widely used settlement method, and if we look at the Combine Harvesters listed on FarmBackup, the price of Combine Harvester is from 30 GBP / acre to 40 GBP / acre, which is also a good illustration of how much the above factors play in.
Harvest of rapeseed
A large proportion of FarmBackup’s suppliers can assemble the cutting table with side knives, thus harvesting rapeseed on the root. It’s not everyone who writes it in the headline, so you just have to click on the individual listing and look closer at the description of the types of options that the individual providers have.
Harvest with pickup
It is not everyone who can offer harvest by pickup, but it is a service that is gaining more and more popularity in keeping with the wide variety of crops that can be collected, more uneven weather and an increase in organic farmers.