Greencrop Forage & Contracting
Agricultural contractor
Company information
Dominic Search
Company history
Greencrop Forage & Contracting was founded in early 2014 by Dominic Search. After extensive research and practical training/experience, I decided that the time was right to re-enter the Agricultural Industry providing a professional and most importantly a RELIABLE service to Arable Farmers and the Equestrian Industry. Our office is based in Hockley, Essex, with our main operating centre based at a yard near to Canewdon Essex. This allows us to store our Forage and machinery in one place. During 2015 it was quite apparent that our business would evolve into retail Forage supply,
Key focus areas and competencies
We specialise in baling the 'euro' bale, an easily handled 80x47cm bale of around 125kgs. Our baler is fitted with a moisture meter so we can bale the crop at it's optimum, giving a higher quality Forage.