Low Ground Pressure Spraying
Frazier Agribuggy 4D
Year 2000
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We offer low ground pressure Spraying with our Frazier Agribuggy 4D. This lightweight machine is ideal for pre-emergance application and early spring work when the ground is too wet for a larger machine. 12m and 24m systems. Full automatic rate control. GPS guidance with section control used for precise application. Machine fully tested to NSTS standards. Operator Pa2 certified.
Region South Suffolk and North Essex
We offer low ground pressure Spraying with our Frazier Agribuggy 4D. This lightweight machine is ideal for pre-emergance application and early spring work when the ground is too wet for a larger machine. 12m and 24m systems. Full automatic rate control. GPS guidance with section control used for precise application. Machine fully tested to NSTS standards. Operator Pa2 certified.
Region South Suffolk and North Essex