A honda quad bike fitted with 12volt sprayer.
honda trx420fa6n
Year 2022
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Our Quad bike is ideal for spraying and spreading dry materials, grass and other seeds, small fertilizer, slug pellets paddocks, small fields, and areas that are difficult to reach with large spraying equipment. Spraying with quad bike and mounted or trailed sprayer. Prices per acre or per day depending on the herbicide required and the size of the area. PA certified and experienced. Quad and sprayer transportable on pickup and trailer.Little Malvern Farm Paddock Maintenance Service Get in Touch We’re happy to talk through your requirements 07815785457 Little Malvern Farm, Little Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 4JN – email info@littlemalvernfarm.co.uk Members of the NFU – Fully insured with NFU
Region Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Warwickshire, Shropshire. Monmouth, Powys,Oxfordshire, and neighboring counties Spraying herbicides is an essential part of paddock maintenance, and while it may not need to carry out every year, when weeds begin to emerge you should ensure that you spray them – this is often done in the spring or autumn months.