Hedging and Grass Topping & Drilling Services
Shelbourne Reynolds HD652 VFR
Year 2016Similar listings
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We are able to cut larger amounts of hedges in season from August onwards for private work and September 1st for Agricultural work. Heavy duty topping services for set aside, grass areas etc. Grassland Aeration and spring tine Harrowing and seeding. Section 40 of the Wildlife Acts 1976, states that any hedge trimming, grubbing or destruction is prohibited from March 1 to August 31. This is due to protection of wildlife.
Region East Lincolnshire within 20 miles of Authorpe Louth.
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We are able to cut larger amounts of hedges in season from August onwards for private work and September 1st for Agricultural work. Heavy duty topping services for set aside, grass areas etc. Grassland Aeration and spring tine Harrowing and seeding. Section 40 of the Wildlife Acts 1976, states that any hedge trimming, grubbing or destruction is prohibited from March 1 to August 31. This is due to protection of wildlife.
Region East Lincolnshire within 20 miles of Authorpe Louth.