• Lamyman grange contractors with Cleaning/Disinfection at Digby

Grain Store Cleaning

Grain Store Cleaning Team of 5 People

Our 5 person team are able to come to your farm and clean out grain stores. We do not supply any of the tools but just the people to come and do it. We usually sweep, and then hoover throughout the stores, ensuring they are as clean as possible.

Region We operate in Lincolnshire and can accommodate almost any farm within the county.

  • Lamyman grange contractors with Cleaning/Disinfection at Digby

Grain Store Cleaning

Grain Store Cleaning Team of 5 People

Our 5 person team are able to come to your farm and clean out grain stores. We do not supply any of the tools but just the people to come and do it. We usually sweep, and then hoover throughout the stores, ensuring they are as clean as possible.

Region We operate in Lincolnshire and can accommodate almost any farm within the county.


Hour price with operator £15.50
We charge £15.50 per person per hour.


Lamyman Grange Contractors

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