Fencing-stock, post & rail, Equine, chestnut posts
Protec Evo 1, P400s, Quickfencer
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Professional service using top quality materials at competitive rates. We supply and install all our fencing on hardwood chestnut posts as standard. Specialists in stock fencing, post & rail, equine/stud wire. We are stock holders of all chestnut fencing products, Tornado wire and IAE gates. Please look at our website and Facebook pages. www.agrifencing.co.uk
Region We cover a 25-30 mile raduis of Taunton, Somerset. Depending on job size etc
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Professional service using top quality materials at competitive rates. We supply and install all our fencing on hardwood chestnut posts as standard. Specialists in stock fencing, post & rail, equine/stud wire. We are stock holders of all chestnut fencing products, Tornado wire and IAE gates. Please look at our website and Facebook pages. www.agrifencing.co.uk
Region We cover a 25-30 mile raduis of Taunton, Somerset. Depending on job size etc