Skynamix Aerial Surveying and Analysis
DJI Inspire 1 Pro X5
Year 2016Similar listings
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Skynamix provide 2d and 3d aerial mapping. for analysis via your own Agronomy expert or using our own crop health analysis systems. Flying a pre-planned route over your crop, we produce a very high resolution image of the area, which can then be analysed by our own or 3rd party systems.
Region Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambs, Herts, Beds
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Skynamix provide 2d and 3d aerial mapping. for analysis via your own Agronomy expert or using our own crop health analysis systems. Flying a pre-planned route over your crop, we produce a very high resolution image of the area, which can then be analysed by our own or 3rd party systems.
Region Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambs, Herts, Beds